目前分類:Oracle 效能診斷 (7)

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Ref: http://www.itpub.net/archiver/tid-875132-page-2.html


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metalink 上對"global cache cr request"的wait event發生原因的描述如下:

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Row Cache is another name of Dictionary Cache which is the part of the Shared Pool that contains Data Dictionary objects definitions available in memory to speed up Dicionary operations. Before Oracle7, every Dictionary object had a seperate init.ora parameter that controls it, these parameters were known as the "DC" parameters,but starting from Oracle7 all Dictionary cache objects are automatically controlled within the shared pool by the one parameter Shared_Pool_Size.

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在ask tom中看到一篇解決系統狀況跟我們家系統很相似的文章,
這個公司的statspack  report 跑出來的狀況,有下面的幾個特點:

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在下drop table XXX 時,發生client連線當掉的問題.

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出處: http://xiaoxiongg.itpub.net/post/6060/30965

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STATSPACK report for

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